4 min read

Mercury’s August 2021 Claims Against the Singapore Police Force (SPF)

As previously mentioned in ‘Our First Statement’, Harvey had first met Mercury in March 2021, and had supported Mercury for the next two years – financially, legally, and emotionally – subject to Harvey’s own personal resource constraints. However, Harvey had no choice but to eventually cut ties with Mercury due to Mercury’s abusive behaviour towards her and others. Since then, one of Mercury’s primary sources of resentment towards Harvey is based on Harvey having refused to participate in and take the blame for Mercury’s anthrax hoax, which Mercury herself had committed on 9 August 2021.

Between 16 – 20 August 2021, Mercury, using her main Telegram account, texted Anon Victim #3, claiming that she had been “forced to sell out Harvey” by the police, as they “wanted a bigger fish and basically used coercive tactics.”

Mercury claimed:

“I was arrested Monday the 9th [of August 2021] for an anthrax hoax (which I committed stupidly while drunk), and then during my 48 hours in police custody, the cops promised to let me off if I could give them a bigger fish (i.e. Miss Vickreman Harvey Chettiar) by giving false testimony against her.”

Mercury further texted:

“I refused to betray Harvey like that, so then the cops threatened to send me to jail indefinitely using the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act unless I agreed to file the false allegations against Harvey within 24 hours of my release. The police agreed to release me on police bail, instead of arraigning me in Court and having me remanded to police custody for renewable periods of one week, only after I promised that I will file the false police report against Harvey.”

Mercury claimed: “In addition, in order to make sure [the police] nail me for something, however small it is, [the police] also charged me for the porn I had in my phone.”

In other words, Mercury claimed that the police coerced her into filing a false report against Harvey, as an under-the-table agreement for Mercury to make allegations against Harvey, in exchange for a more lenient sentence.

On our end, as stated on our blog’s ‘Home’ page: There is an ongoing police investigation regarding our situation of being terrorised by Mercury. However, there has been no arrest.

The police officers handling our case(s) have indeed been taking us seriously. Mercury has simply been committing so many harms and offences, and has additionally been exploiting institutional gaps and loopholes, that she is probably overloading the systems with paperwork. Despite progressions with our individual cases, Mercury’s offences during the investigation period has resulted in additional offences and cases, resulting in both the police and the victims being overwhelmed. This increases the burden of proof put on victims and police officers, as all of the existent and new cases have to be connected – resulting in slower progress and thus more opportunities for Mercury to commit further offences in the meanwhile.

A few hours ago, we received the following comment on this post, which states:

“The Telegram username @hg_alice which has been dishonestly redacted from the first screenshot does NOT belong to me, but has rather been used by Miss Vickreman Harvey Chettiar or her associates to impersonate myself.

My username on Telegram has only ever been @hgalice; I have used @hg_alice only on platforms other than Telegram.

Please correct your article or I will have to file a PHC case against [redacted] and [redacted] to get an Interim False Statement Order to take down the page.”

Screenshot of comment from user 'Miss Mercury Jamie Alice', twitch.tv/hg_alice.
Comment reads: “The Telegram username @hg_alice which has been dishonestly redacted from the first screenshot does NOT belong to me, but has rather been used by Miss Vickreman Harvey Chettiar or her associates to impersonate myself.
My username on Telegram has only ever been @hgalice; I have used @hg_alice only on platforms other than Telegram.
Please correct your article or I will have to file a PHC case against [redacted] and [redacted] to get an Interim False Statement Order to take down the page."
Screenshot of comment received

To clarify, we had not “dishonestly redacted” Mercury’s Telegram username initially, but had done so out of good manners.

Since Mercury has specifically requested that we “correct [our] article”, we take this as consent to post the unredacted screenshot – which indeed reflects the Telegram username to be @hgalice.

Screenshot of Mercury’s Telegram profile, @hgalice

In addition, we would like to supplement our update with the following messages between one of Mercury’s alters – Jason Dean a.k.a. Hades – and Anon Victim #3. This occurred on 6 September 2021. We draw attention especially to the first message, which reads:

“Hello Mx [Anon Victim #3’s name],

This is Jason Dean a.k.a. Hades, one-half of the core of the Underworld System, and I’m reaching out to you because both Lune and [Jaspreet] has blocked me after ignoring us all.

The other half of the core of the Underworld System operates from the Telegram handle @hgalice, and we also have a spare account @hg_alice for keeping track of such blockers.”

Screenshot of Mercury’s Telegram conversation with Anon Victim #3

We also refer to the following quote from the above screenshot:

“I need your help because [Jaspreet], who called the police on us on 21/07/2021 and tried to get us detained in IMH, is at it again and has made yet another report against us, claiming sexual harassment ([Jaspreet] is actually a guy)!”

For the record, Jaspreet had called IMH because Mercury was suicidal.

Mercury was also non-consensually sending Jaspreet unsolicited nudes and sex videos of her and her sex partners for months, hence Jaspreet’s filing of a police report against Mercury.